An essential part of the Stepping Up Project is engaging with stakeholders to better inform the research. On 28th March Stepping Up researchers Iain Soutar and James Suckling were invited to run a workshop as part of the ADBA (Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association) Research and Innovation Forum in London. This annual knowledge exchange event brings together actors from across the AD sector to explore present day challenges facing AD in the UK. Attendees included plant operators, academics, funding bodies (such as the BBSRC), policy makers and the National Grid, to name a few.
Wide-ranging discussions throughout the day covered aspects such as the energy system, process optimisation, integration of AD into agricultural and energy systems, future research agendas or alternative feedstocks. Through this sharing of experience from a multitude of perspectives, it is hoped that the industry can accelerate its growth and development.
The Stepping Up workshop was called “AD Across the Scales – How can we Make the Most of the Available Resources?” and took the format of a guided, interactive discussion exploring the future of AD and it’s place within the UK. Given the breadth of the attendees, it was decided to allow them to have a free voice around two questions:
A 2050 timeline enables participants to express opinions, both positive and negative, in a hypothetical future long-term enough to allow them to consider significant change, but remaining short-term enough to not be unimaginable. It also allows discussion of a time when most of the existing infrastructure will no longer be operating.
The questions generated lively discussion, with varied feedback reflecting the breadth of expertise in the room. Several important themes arose covering multiple aspects of AD:
AD is a complex industry with much to offer, but has an uncertain future at present. This workshop provided invaluable dialogue between actors with a wealth of real-world experience to imagine what the 2050 landscape might look like for AD. A workshop report will be available soon. Better still, Stepping Up has the opportunity to re-run the workshop with early career researchers working in the field of AD, which will provide an interesting further perspective.
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