published by Alice Bows-Larkin on Tue, 19/04/2016 - 23:32
published by Alice Bows-Larkin on Thu, 14/04/2016 - 09:53
h our project well underway, we held our first advisory board meeting in March. The meeting proved extremely valuable providing much food for thought. Discussions revolved around some of the key questions the team are grappling with. One such question was around what the big societal challenges relevant for the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus. Here are some of the key points raised...
published by Alice Bows-Larkin on Thu, 19/11/2015 - 00:00
As part of the Nexus Network annual conference during November 2015, Prof Alice Bows-Larkin was invited to take part in an opening plenary panel highlighting challenges for Nexus researchers across all disciplines. Drawing on early experiences from the STEPPING UP project, Alice discussed how the STEPPING UP team are working on defining spatial scale, physical geography and quantifying a ‘step change’ in order to develop the project’s Agent Based Model...